Far North Queensland Support Group Newsletter.
No 4 February 2004.
I hope everybody has had a restful and refreshing Christmas and New Year break? Thanks for the support from our "local contact" people. Well done!
Thanks also to those precious people who have sent donations. They are very welcome, as expenses are starting to spiral again. And thanks again to the The Atherton Neighborhood Centre for continued support and referrals.
- We welcome Jodie Lindsay back to the tropics, after her stay in Brisbane. Hope things are better for you this time!
- Sad that Jacinta Commins will be "travelling on" after Easter. Thanks for your help and enthusiasm at the Mossman and Port Douglas meetings!
- A second meeting with the CEO of the Rural Division of General Practice. He has expressed a desire to attend one of our meetings in Cairns.
- Further development of the FNQ CFS/FMS/MCS website, thanks to Peter Cummins.
- Advocacy to Government for 1 lady with CFS/MCS, and at Centrelink for 1 lady with CFS.
- Planning for future advocacy, running support groups, and running information sessions for the community, Government and interested health professionals.
- Upgrading the office computer to better access Internet information/websites.
28th February -Pt Douglas, 1:30pm: Pt Douglas CWA Hall, Davidson Street.
6th March -Atherton, 1:30pm at the Atherton Neighborhood Centre 7th March -Ravenshoe, 2:00pm at Cedar Vale Farmstay, Harris Road.
13th March -Smithfield, 1:30pm at the Smithfield Shopping Centre Community Room.
27th March -Earlville Library (Stocklands), 10:00am in the Library Meeting Room
3rd April -Pt Douglas, 1:30pm at the Pt Douglas Community House
12th May -Cairns: International CFS Awareness Day Celebrations - media event.
The next round of meetings will start in early July. We will be in Brisbane attending meetings. At our meetings, please consider the needs of others who may have a chemical sensitivity. Please refrain from smoking, or using deodorants, perfumes, after shave and strong-scented soaps.
At this round of meetings, we will be distributing copies of 2 very informative publications:
- Dr Richard Schloeffel: Seminar
- "The New - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", and also
- Evengard, Schacterle & Komaroff - "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: new insights and old ignorance"
- Also the Medical Practitioners Kit will be available.
Please feel free to call local contacts:
Atherton: Neil Reynolds 4091 2970 email reynoldsn@dodo.com.au
Ravenshoe: Les Buglar 4097 6782
Smithfield: Peter Cummins 4057 5920 email pcum7668@netscape.net
Lake Eacham: John Cuff 4095 3063 email cufflink@tpg.com.au
We are always interested in your ideas, needs and input for this Support Group.
Hope to see you soon.
Neil Reynolds.