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"This illness is to fatigue what a nuclear bomb is to a match.
It’s an absurd mischaracterization."
- Laura Hillenbrand, Bestselling author of Seabiscuit

"A Unique Approach to Providing Quality of Life"
By John Herd

Something very unique has been taking place in the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) community and it reached a magnificent crescendo in September.
For a lucky group of people who have CFS/ME the isolation that the illness can impose has been lessened by an idea Alison Petty had two years ago. She has been living with the illness for the past ten years, but is currently improving significantly after having had a severe CFS/ME relapse three years ago. Alison created an Internet based organization and web site she named the Brainfog Association - the name reflecting the cognitive problems so common to this illness. The site is a place where those afflicted with CFS/ME can partake in fun socialization and friendly support - sharing aspects of life that can feel out of reach when partially or completely homebound. Though members may be hundreds or thousands of miles apart very meaningful friendships abound in the Internet community - it feels like a warm on-line living room.
The complete text of this article, along with photographs that enhance this eading experience, is available in PDF format at Here

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